
Ph.D, Miami University



Modern Europe, gender and comparative women's history, Japan, UNICEF, human rights and citizenship issues, modern India


Dr. Morris has presented her work at a variety of regional, national and international conferences including the Great Lakes Regional Conference, the American Historical Association Conference, the Berkshire Conference for the History of Women, the International World History Conference, and the European Social Sciences History Conference.  She teaches courses focused on Europe, Japan and Latin America as well as courses that examine the history of women, human rights, and the history of science and technology.  Dr. Morris’s publications include “I Know the Kind of Work That Was Done for Children: Dr. Martha Eliot and the Origins of UNICEF” in Women and Transnational Activism in Historical Perspective, and “Women, Citizenship and the State: UNICEF’s anti-Syphilis program and female citizenship in the post World War II World” in the Journal of Women’s History.  Her monograph, The Origins of UNICEF, 1946-1953, is forthcoming.

Dr. Morris also co-teaches Modern Japan and its Roots in the Edo Period, a travel course that includes a two-week trip across Japan to explore its art, history, religion and economy.